7 basic steps how to rank website on Google

Do you own a business, in pandemic your offline business struggled and got broke? You researched, and after lots of struggle, you planned a budget and invested to bring your business presence online?

Once you brought your business online, felt happy, and achieved something?

your work is not stopped there. You need to inform, educate and implement some search engine basic things to rank website pages to the Google SERP.

If you are still struggling to bring your pages in the SERP then these seven basic steps will help you rank  website on Google.

To rank website in Google you need to understand the below

Traffic effects of Ranking and Non-rank websites

  • Ranking
  • Non Ranking

Non Ranking

As you are aware daily most human beings use any one of Google products in their life. Purchase decision period became BG and AG Before GOOGLE purchase decisions are persuaded by our neighbor buying or TV commercials. After GOOGLE  80% of the purchases happen by search and research online. If your business is not visible in the SERP then your business and brand faces below

1. Brand identity missing

2. Brand unnoticed

3. Product awareness

4. Product offerings

5. Market share falls

6. Missing competitive

7. Less revenue

8. Credibility starts to fall

If you want to avoid the above you should be in the online presence.


If you are in the online presence in any form either as webpages, social media pages, or in the form of an e-store. Then your business is competitive enough to fight with your competitor in the online market.

The ranking is nothing but bringing your website pages in any of the Search Engine Result Pages. Yes, you read it rightly ANY of the Google SERP. But that’s not enough to compete in the online world.

In this article, I’m going to spill  some beans of basic works to be done to rank website pages in any of the SERP

Create your webpage

Before ranking in google search first, you need to create your product or service listing web pages. the webpage is nothing but a page with the content to be online all-time over the globe.

How you can do that?

Creating your webpage is easy now with WordPress and elements tools. It’s a webpage creation tool, you can create your web pages in no time with minimal learning.

Before creating a page you should buy a domain name, which is nothing but a name for your business for the online world. below listed are some domain name examples

You can purchase your domain name from any of the domain service providers like Godaddy, Namecheap, Hostinger, etc.

yay!! Now you purchased your domain name for the business and you also created the products/service pages that you offering.


Now you required a computer space which is also called a server to place your business name so that It will live all the time. It’s like renting a space for a physical store. We do rent a virtual space for your business store. This renting may vary based on the business sizes, reach, and requirements.

Yes, now you are ready with your domain name, webpages, and hosting partner.

When will be the pages will be live after the integration of all. This normally takes 24 hours to see your website pages live. Nowadays a couple of hosting partners like WP Hosting, Amazon web services, Namecheap do it faster than 24 hours.

How long does it take to rank website on Google?

So now your pages are live, will it be enough to appear or rank website in the Google search results. Ha hah !! no here is the game begins. You should inform Google bots that you created a new page for your business. To do that you need to do certain processes and procedures.

Create your G mail account or credentials  ?

In this world, most people will have an email id and also with Gmail. If not then you’re in the stone age, please create it immediately to connect your webpages to google analytics and google search console.

GA and GSC are helpful to measure your web traffic to have a better understanding of your searcher’s intents, location, age group, and device.

Connect Google analytics and Google search console

GA and GSC are free to google analytical tools used to measure website traffic of the searches which is generated by the searchers. All the search queries are numerically consolidated and presented in the form of useful information to the business owner to have better business strategy decisions.

If you want to learn more about the GA read this

Website not showing in google search

Once you enable your G mail id then you create your google search console login with the same g mail id, it’s FREE FREE FREE.

Once you did that you need to index your web pages with the URL of your website.

URL is nothing but the https://www.digitifyou.com/ of your website.

Login to your GSC and go to the URL inspection option. You can see the below window.

In the above search, the icon enters your URL and press enter.GSC will take a couple of minutes at the first attempt to execute the indexing of your website pages. Once it’s done right it will throw out the results as below

If all the ticks are in green then your webpages are indexed by google properly and it’s ready to rank a website in the Google SERP.

You can see the result that the URL is on Google.

Once your web pages are indexed, work is not finished to bring your pages to the top search results. Google will keep your pages in the list as 1 in million pages in the web world.

Publish content ?f you want to rank a website and to be in the TOP search results then you need to write your web content with the search keyword-focused and it should be unique and useful.

Google is working towards the goal of giving relevant searches based on the user intent. The user intent is decided by the words typed by the searches. The searching words google is called a keyword. Where to find which keyword needs to be stuffed in our web contents.

Do not worry about what’s next !!

Keyword search

Google gives a free tool called keyword planner, you can use this keyword planner tool and find the most searched keyword for the recent 5 years of time. This will give you a good enough keyword idea to be used in the web content that you publish. This is a limited feature tool that will give less information.

If you want to use the keyword research technic properly then there are good enough paid tools in the market.

In that, I like ubersuggest and ahrefs. Both are very useful tools. Ubersuggest giving you a 7-day free trial and they charge nominal per month. You can get good enough data to decide a keyword topic to write.

Ahref is higher in cost when compared with Ubersuggest. Based on your business needs you can choose your tools to have data-driven decisions.

How to keep my top position in the SERP

Keeping yourself in the TOP SERP pages required good content to be published in a consistent manner. If you publish useful relevant content of your topic then google will always rank the website to keep you in the top SERP pages without any cost spend.

So always ensure you are publishing Good Useful Content which solves a specific problem or gives good enough solutions to the search queries.

Link building is important

Link building is one of the most important parts of google SEO. The link is defined as

  1. Internal Linking

2. External Linking

Internal Linking

Always have internal linking from your post or articles to your website content where ever readers should read the link content to get the best understanding of the problem with solutions.

Because there may be different types of solutions you can provide for one problem. So always have good enough internal linking. Ensure the links should be relevant and useful.

External linking

External linking should happen naturally by other bloggers or authors to refer your content for their audience to have better clarity about the topic.

Do not force the link building which will help only for short-term results.

Track your traffic and optimise your page

Now you knew the first 6 basic steps to rank your website on google. Once you do all the above steps I’m 100% sure you will see your website pages in any of the SERPs.

Once SERP pages start listing your content and pages start tracking your website traffic.

You can use GA to see how much traffic is coming to your website with different data points like visitors per week, days, or months. You also need to learn new words like CTR, Bounce rate, Session, page visited repeated visitor, and so on.

To understand the above terminology please subscribe to our newsletter for future articles for your continuous learning of Google analytics.

Once you start tracking your traffic data then optimize your content with the search engine optimizing plugins which is available in the market. Rankmath is one of the good tools to use to optimize your content and pages.

Once you did optimization of your websites and lookout for the best traffic hitting pages and put your CTA to take action of your visitors.

CTA is (Call to Action) should have to refuse able offer to your prospects. If your CTA’s are not working well then collect visitors’ details to nurture them to build trust and do transactions with your best offer.

After reading my blog post should have some basic knowledge to rank your page in google. With these 7 steps, you can do a ranking of your website in the SERP.


These 7 steps will help you understand the basics to rank website. But this is not only enough to get traffic with listing on the first page of Google. Nowadays more and more businesses are investing in online marketing to position their brand in the market. So competitive and cost of online marketing is increasing. Ensure you allocate resources and budget to keep alive in the market.

You try DIY if you find difficulties please connect with us at digitifyou@gmail.com

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